Monday, August 29, 2011

Striving to be better

That is what I remind myself of daily. Sometimes life can seem out of control, occasionally even seeming like we are "scraping the bottom of the barrel" for our last bit of strength. But sunshine always comes... A fresh light that shows us why things have happened the way that they did. That's my life. Either my strength or my patience seems to be stretched almost all the time. I'll admit that I get frustrated... But I have to remind myself that things could be worse, and that God has a reason for it all.

He had a reason for me getting pregnant at 19 when my husband and I had just decided to wait until our mid-20's (25 to be exact) before we had any children. I was worried about taking care of a baby. I had never held one before, let alone fed a baby, changed diapers, or been woken up in the middle of the night by a baby crying for their binky. Now we are blessed with 4 beautiful children, and I couldn't be happier. Looking back now, I still see reason for my worry, but I do wish that I would have taken more time to enjoy my pregnancy... Enjoy the amazing life that God was creating and growing inside of me. Now I cherish every moment... Even when my patience is stretched, I look to the fact that God trusted me with these 4 precious lives. Me... The girl who grew up not wanting to have children. Me... The woman who can't even find her own socks at times, or remember where she put her spoon (which usually turns out to be in my hand).

I also wondered why my house was destroyed by a tornado when I was a teen. Rarely did I think of the amazing fact that I was alive. I just kept thinking of how tiring it was going from the house to a hotel room every night, or how frustrating it was living in a garage when most people have a house with a kitchen, bathroom in the same building, and a bedroom in it. Little did I realize that God was working a miracle through that tornado... A miracle that would be with me for the rest of my life. My next door neighbor and his youngest son came to check on us after the tornado, and helped us move things from the roofless house into our garage. A week later, I went on a "date" with the neighbor boy (to his brother's house to listen to them play some music). Not too long later, we were engaged, and then married. Now I look back and think of how amazing God is... He turned a disaster into the biggest blessing of my life. Out of a tornado came a husband and 4 children... Now that's something to be thankful for.

Now I am a happily married mother of 4, and enjoying every day. I am blessed to be a homemaker, and to be homeschooling my children. Every day comes with a new challenge, but we make it through, and are stronger for it. When life tries to knock me down, I just remember a story that my husband's mother told me about his grandmother... That blessed lady was having a very rough day, and when she already felt like she been through everything she could handle, she dropped a bowl on the floor. Instead of yelling, crying, or giving up like most of us might do, she thanked God for giving her the ability to get down and clean it up. Now that's faith. Instead of giving in to the frustrating circumstances that kept coming her way, she praised God for Him helping her to get through.

That's what I want to be like. I live my life every day hoping to be more like my husband's grandmother, and my other role model, Michelle Duggar. Both are very strong women with faith that stands any test. They have patience to see any situation through, and a heart that is open to loving and cherishing anyone who comes their way. They truly are the virtuous women that the Bible speaks of... And the type of woman that I strive to be.

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