Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My favorite *free* homeschool sites

I dream of the day that I can afford SonBeams, LifePac, or A Beka curricuum for my children. Finances will not allow for it this year, though. I refuse to give up on homeschooling just because we've hit a bit of a stumbling block, so I've done my research, bought more early reader books on eBay than I probably should have, and found many free resources online. 

Here are a few of my favorite sites:

Free preschool and Kindergarten printables
School Express
DLTK - Connect the dots
Christian Preschool Printables
ABC Teach

Free preschool and Kindergarten learning games
Educational Freeware  (some games are not compatible with newer systems, such as Windows 7)
PBS Kids
Sheppard Software

I do have many, many more links, but I will save those for another post.

I have already let my husband know that I am planning on buying SOS (Switched On Schoolhouse) out of our tax money when the kids reach 3rd grade. I can work with free resources until then, but once they reach 3rd grade, it will be much harder to find everything that I need to teach them properly. For now, though, we're just enjoying our time together and thanking God for the free resources He has supplied for us.


:)De said...

I love Alpha Omega Publication and have used it for 7 years now. When you shop for SOS, check E-bay a few months after school starts. People buy it, don't like it and sell it very cheap. And..when you are done, the re-sell is really great if you wait to sell it in July/August when the demand is high.

Love many of your links...free is good! LOL!

Becca said...

Awesome suggestion, thank you so much! I have a horrible habit of waiting until the last minute to do things, but I will jump on that for sure.