Thursday, September 1, 2011

A productive day

The kids take their school work very seriously.

Really, they do.

They are always completely focused on their work.

And they never goof off.

Especially not because Mommy just grabbed the camera.

We did manage to get a lot of work done tonight, but we made sure to take some extra goof-off breaks because I was so tired, and because the kids were so full of energy. They do really well for their ages... They can work for about an hour before they get fidgety and need to take a break. 

All in all, today was a good day.

I managed to get cleaning done while the kids were awake (and it stayed clean).
I didn't get burned by the "grease" popping when I cooked bacon.
The toy box was only dumped out in one spot on the floor, rather than the contents being strewn all over the house.
The kids went to sleep fairly easily.
And it looks like I may be able to get near a full night of sleep tonight.
Well, one can hope.

1 comment:

SnoopyGirl said...

Becca, thanks for becoming a follower on my blog, Eclectic Musings. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing this homeschool journey. Love the fun pics of your kids, by the way! We love plenty of silliness at our place too! :-)